Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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#File maintained by Doug McCallum <dougm@cypress.west.sun.com>; Thu Aug 12 20:38:22 MDT 1993
#Send updates to "uucpmap@rutgers.edu", cc: to me optionally
#N amyerg
#S AT&T 3B2/300; UNIX V 3.1
#O Mississippi Department of Corrections
#C Ewan Grantham
#E amyerg!root
#T +1 601 982-8340
#P 5967 Westmore Dr., Jackson, MS 39206 USA
#L 49 25 N / 123 0 W city
#R This is a system I have at home, but thought people might
#R want to know who I worked for. Home address and number listed.
#U swbatl
#W amyerg!egranthm (Ewan Grantham); Tue Sep 20 19:25:00 CDT 1988
amyerg swbatl(DEMAND)
#N atweyco
#S IBM PC/AT; MINIX 1.5.10
#O Weyerhaeuser Columbus Pulp & Paper Complex
#C Wayne Brown
#E wayne@atweyco.UUCP
#T +1 601 243 4485
#P P.O. Box 1830, Columbus, MS USA 39703
#L 33 30 N / 88 25 W city
#W atweyco!wayne (Wayne Brown); Tue Mar 5 12:41:06 CST 1991
atweyco rtweyco(DAILY),ledgepc(DAILY)
#N centec
#S ALR 20386DT; SCO Xenix 2.3
#O Centec Advanced Technologies
#C Ewan Grantham
#E centec!egranthm
#T +1 601 936 3103
#P P.O. Box 54366, Jackson, MS 39208-4366
#L 090 10 W / 33 N
#R Developers of Educational Progs. using Interactive Media
#U uunet amyerg sugar
#W dougm@ico.isc.com; Sun Feb 4 14:53:06 MST 1990
centec amyerg(DAILY),sugar(DAILY)
#N chromc
#F uunet.UU.NET
#S Unisys pw2 800/20; SCO Unix System V/386 r3.2.v2
#O Chromcraft Furniture Corp.
#C Ray O'Brien
#T +1 601 562-8203 x383
#P 1 Quality Lane, Senatobia MS 38668
#L 34 37 W / 90 28 N
#R Furniture manufacturer
#U uunet, rayo, vpbuild
#W Ray O'Brien ; Mon Oct 05 14:12:41 CDT 1992
chromc =chromcraft.com
chromc rayo(DIRECT+FAST), vpbuild(DAILY+FAST)
#N force1
#S Unix 5.3
#O Grand Gulf Nuclear Station
#C Mike Gatti
#E force1!root
#T +1 601 437 6276
#P P.O. Box 756, M&E Bldg. Port Gibson, MS 39150
#L 31 57 N / 90 59 W
#W lori@uunet.UU.NET (Lori Lewis); Tue Aug 14 16:59:39 EDT 1990
force1 uunet(DEMAND)
#N ledgepc
#S Leading Edge Model D; MINIX 1.5.10
#O Privately owned system
#C Wayne Brown
#E wayne@ledgepc.uucp
#T +1 601 327 7926
#P 411 E. Gaywood Avenue, Columbus, MS USA 39702
#L 33 30 N / 88 25 W city
#W ledgepc!wayne (Wayne Brown); Wed May 5 20:33:36 CDT 1993
ledgepc loft386(EVENING), dsuvax(WEEKLY), atweyco(DIRECT), rtweyco(DEAD)
#N rtweyco
#O Weyerhaeuser Columbus Pulp & Paper Complex
#C Wayne Brown
#E wayne@rtweyco.UUCP
#T +1 601 243 4485
#P P.O. Box 1830, Columbus, MS USA 39703
#L 33 30 N / 88 25 W city
#U ledgepc
#W rtweyco!wayne (Wayne Brown); Mon May 20 16:21:45 CDT 1991
rtweyco atweyco(DAILY), ledgepc(DAILY)
#N skink
#S Sun 3/60; SunOS 4.0.3
#O Institute for Naval Oceanography
#C Katherine Hedstrom
#E postmaster@skink.ino.ucar.edu
#T +1 601 688 5737
#P Building 1103, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
#L 30 22 N / 89 35 W
#R This is skink.ino.ucar.edu ( on the internet
#W kate@skink.ino.ucar.edu; Tue May 1 08:55:37 CDT 1990
#U ncar.ucar.edu
skink = "skink.ino.ucar.edu"
skink ncar.ucar.edu(DEDICATED)
#N tpm-sprl, anat.umsmed.edu
#S SPARCStation 1+; SunOS 4.1
#O The University of Mississippi Medical Center
#C Dr. Terence P. Ma
#E tpm@anat.UMSMED.EDU
#T +1 601 984 1654
#P 2500 North State St, Jackson, MS 39216
#L 32 17 N / 90 11 W city
#R Medical school
#W tpm@anat.UMSMED.EDU (Terence P. Ma); Mon May 31 10:48:12 CDT 1993
#U oamsbbs
tpm-sprl .anat.umsmed.edu(LOCAL), anat.umsmed.edu
tpm-sprl = anat.umsmed.edu
tpm-sprl uunet(DEMAND), oamsbbs(DAILY)